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[讨论] 星际公民旋风全地形突击车官方问答 [复制链接]

发表于 2017-7-28 14:56:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


Q1: What ships will the Tumbril Cyclone fit into?

A1: The concept model is currently sitting at 5.71m x 3.25m x 2.26m, but as with everything in Star Citizen, its size is subject to change as it is built out and implemented in game. At present, this makes the Cyclone smaller than an Ursa Rover but larger than a Dragonfly or Nox. Our current intention is that anything that fits an Ursa will fit the Cyclone, including the Constellation. For ships like the Cutlass and Freelancer, it may technically fit in their cargo bays, but because the ramps are tapered, a Cyclone would likely not be able to load up into it.


A1:目前的概念模型尺寸是5.71m*3.25m*2.26m,但与星际公民其他飞船一样,其尺寸随着游戏的开发而变化。 目前,旋风比大熊座(URSA Rover)小,但比蜻蜓(Dragonfly)或诺克斯(Nox)更大。 我们希望,适合大熊座的飞船都适合旋风,例如星座(Constellation)。 对于像弯刀(Cutlass)和自由(Freelancer)这样的飞船,理论上货舱能塞进旋风,但是由于斜坡是锥形的,旋风有可能无法爬上去。

Q2: Are the Cyclone variants “modular?” Can we just swap the boxes out on the base model to make the variants?

A2: While this system is not currently available in game, it is something we’re interested in exploring once that time comes. When the Cyclone is added to the game, we expect them to function as variants for the time being.

Q2:旋风是否支持 “模块化” ?能否在基础型号上交换模块,使其变成变体型号?

A2:模块化系统目前未完成,一旦这个时代到来,我们会考虑。 当旋风被添加到游戏中时,我们期望它们可以作为变体使用。

Q3: How much cargo can it carry?

A3: Currently, the base version of the Cyclone is set to carry 1 SCU of cargo.

Q3: 它能装多少货物?

A3: 目前来说,基础版本的旋风可以装载一个SCU单位的货物。

Q4: What can be picked up by the Cyclone RN’s scanner? People? Buildings? Derelicts? Loot? Ships?

A4: As with all scanner systems in the game, it will pick up anything with a detectable signature, such as IR or EM. The difficulty of picking up that signal will depend on the item’s output and your equipment. It wouldn’t tell you if there’s a derelict or loot around the corner, but it should be able to tell you that there’s a large structure in the distance and it’s up to you to decide if you want to go check it out.

That said, the RN’s upgraded radar system will have a longer range and better detection capabilities than the standard Cyclone, along with data banks to store a larger amount of scanned data to help with the mapping of a planet’s surface.

Q4:旋风侦察版(RN)的雷达可以扫描出什么? 人?建筑?飞船残骸?战利品?飞船?

A4:与游戏中的雷达系统一样,它可以扫描出任何可检测的信号,如红外(IR)或电磁信号(EM)。 识别该信号的难度取决于目标的输出强度和你的设备。如果有一个遗弃残骸或战利品在拐角处,它不会告诉你具体信息。但它应该能够告诉你,远处有一个很大的结构体,由你决定是否要去检查它。


Q5: How fast can the Cyclone and its variants go and how do they compare to the Ursa and Lynx rovers in terms of speed and acceleration?

A5: We don’t have specific numbers yet, as the Cyclone is still in concept, and this will come with game balance and tuning, but it should be faster in speed and acceleration than the Ursa. We’re aiming for it to be about twice as fast as an Ursa and the RC version will be even faster than that when boosting.


A5:我们还没有具体的数字,因为旋风仍然在概念设计中,这将随游戏平衡和调整而变化。但它的速度和加速度应该比大熊座快。 我们的目标是使其具有大熊座的两倍速度,竞速版(RC)将会在加力状态下更快。

Q6: Will it launch with 3.0?

A6: The Cyclone will not launch with 3.0. Backers with a Cyclone on their account will receive an Ursa loaner vehicle until the buggies are completed in a future 3.x patch.

Q6: 旋风会随3.0版本发布吗?

A6: 旋风不会在3. 0版本里面可飞。旋风拥有者将会借到一辆大熊座,直到未来的3.x版本。

Q7: Can a Cyclone end up on its side or roof? If so, how do we right the vehicle post-accident?

A7: The Cyclone features jump-jet thrusters meant to stabilize the vehicle when it becomes airborne. These will attempt to correct any deviation in the vehicle and provide a softer landing. Despite this, it is possible that your Cyclone could find itself flipped, turned upside down. Should this happen, we recommend you take a minute to sit right there, tell everyone how you became the prince of a town called Bel-Air… and then get out and lift.


A7:旋风具有跳跃式推进器,用于在车辆空降时稳定车辆。 这将纠正车辆的任何偏差并提供更好的软着陆。 尽管如此,旋风也可能被翻转过来。 如果发生这种情况,我们建议您花点时间坐在那里,告诉大家你是如何成为一名贝尔空气城镇的王子,然后离开车身和举起车辆。

Q8: Is more protection for the exposed driver being considered for the combat versions, or will a cockpit shot be a one-hit kill?

A8: The Cyclone is equipped with vehicle shields to protect the occupants from enemy fire. More info on these shields will come when the Cyclone is implemented in game.

Q8: 对于作战版本, 暴露在外的司机是否具有更多的保护措施,还是说被击中驾驶舱就一击必杀?

A8:旋风配备车辆护盾,以保护乘客免受敌人的伤害。 当旋风在游戏中可飞时,将会有更多的护盾信息。

Q9: What are the pros and cons of the Cyclone compared to other land vehicles when it comes to terrain, handling, speed, utility, and combat?

A9: The Cyclone is meant to be in the middle of the road between the Ursa and the Nox. The Ursa is slow and sturdy, and the Nox is fast but less rugged. The Cyclone aims to strike a favorable balance with a tough vehicle that also can’t be discounted in the speed department.

Additionally, it should handle most any terrain using its articulated treads to increase its grip. The Cyclone has four-wheel steering which gives it better stability while maneuvering at high speeds and a decreased turning radius at low speeds. Of course, its utility and combat effectiveness will depend on the skill of the driver, and the version you bring with you.


A9:旋风将会介于大熊座和诺克斯之间。 大熊座是缓慢而坚固的陆地载具,而诺克斯是快速的,但不那么坚固。 旋风旨在速度和防护之间取得良好的平衡。

此外,它应该能适应大多数的地形,使用其铰接的踏板来增加其抓地力。 旋风具有四轮转向,可在高速机动时获得更好的稳定性,低速时的转弯半径更小。 当然,它的实用性和战斗力将取决于驾驶员的技能。

Q10: Will the co-pilot of the cyclone be able to shoot their personal weapons while seated?

A10: This is functionality we intend to add to the game. We have no ETA for this feature at this time.



Q11: Is the Cyclone protected by a shield?

A11: Yes. Details on the shield are included in a previous answer.

Q11: 旋风有护盾保护吗?

A11: 是的。具体参考前面的问题.

Q12: Can the Cyclone pull a trailer?

A12: Currently there are no plans to implement trailers in the game. If this changes in the future, the Cyclone would be an appropriate candidate for hauling one around.

Q12: 旋风可以拖车吗?

A12: 目前没有任何计划去实现拖车功能。如果未来有,旋风将会是一个合适的候选者。

Q13: Can we re-arm missiles in Anti-Aircraft variants in field conditions?

A13: The missile racks are the same racks already in use on ships and thus would need to be re-armed in the same way. We’ll have more details on how that functionality will work when the time comes.

Q13: 在现场情况下,防空版变体(AA)可以重新装填导弹吗?

A13: 导弹架和普通飞船的一样,所以重新装填的方式是一样的。我们会在合适时候披露更多信息。

Q14: Can the hubs inside the wheels move from the bottom we’ve seen in pictures to the top to give more ground clearance?

A14: Unfortunately, no. At present, we have no plans to add any functionality like this, but the articulated treads can be deployed to increase traction at the cost of speed.


A14:可惜没有。 目前,我们没有计划添加这样的功能,但是可以部署铰接式踏板,以速度为代价增加牵引力。

Q15: The Cyclone being a wheeled vehicle and all, will it have less of a detectable sig vs. a hover bike like a Dragonfly or Nox?

A15: The Cyclone uses similar Vehicle-class parts as the Dragonfly and Nox, making its EM signature very similar, while it’s IR signature should be significantly reduced as it is not equipped with as many thrusters and Grav-Levs that can run hot if not managed properly. Then again, if you’re racing around and pushing the Cyclone to its limits, you may get noticed.



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