使用说明: 1.解压缩
4.开始游戏 升级档安装步骤: 1.安装《逃生2》游戏:http://down.ali213.net/pcgame/outlast2g.html
2..安装本升级档 更新说明: 机翻: 更新v20170505:
- 全面平衡游戏难度。
- 麦克风不再使用额外的电池。
- 增加字幕的大小。
- 修正了英特尔HD 4000卡缺少大多数动态光的问题。
- 修正了在某些特定分辨率下屏幕中心出现闪烁的黑色方块的问题。
- 修复了备用控制器映射和摄像机UI的问题。
- 修复了双重门中有一道门被锁的问题。
- 修正了当Steam无法初始化导致存档丢失的问题。
- 修正了一些异常的声效。
- 修复了多个次要的游戏问题(碰撞,爬行,教程等)
- 修复了多个罕见的崩溃。
- 添加了一个“-refreshrate 60”命令行参数来指定首选的刷新率(替换60来自定义)。
- 添加了一个“-notexturelimit”命令行参数,以消除基于VRAM量的纹理大小限制。
- 添加了一个“-borderless”命令行参数来使用无边界全屏,而不必编辑INI文件。 请注意,这还没有包括简体中文翻译,我们仍然在努力,下周应该准备好。 原文: Update v20170505:
- Global rebalancing of the game difficulty.
- Microphone no longer uses extra batteries.
- Increased the size of subtitles.
- Fixed an issue on Intel HD 4000 cards where most dynamic lights were missing.
- Fixed an issue where flickering black squares appear in the center of the screen at some specific resolutions.
- Fixed an issue with alternate controller mappings and the camcorder UI.
- Fixed an issue with double doors where one of them is locked.
- Fixed an issue causing lost save games when Steam somehow fails to initialize.
- Fixed some heretic sound effects.
- Fixed multiple minor gameplay issues (collisions, crawling, tutorials, etc.)
- Fixed multiple rare crashes.
- Added a "-refreshrate 60" command-line parameter to specify a preferred refresh rate (replace 60 by the desired refresh rate).
- Added a "-notexturelimit" command-line parameter to remove texture size limits based on VRAM amount.
- Added a "-borderless" command-line parameter to use borderless fullscreen and not have to edit INI files. Note that this does not yet include the Simplified Chinese translation, we're still working on that part, it should be ready next week. by CODEX
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