本帖最后由 紫冰丫 于 2017-5-17 11:20 编辑

使用说明: 1.解压缩
3.开始游戏 升级档安装步骤: 1.安装《群星》原版游戏:http://down.ali213.net/pcgame/stellaris.html
2.安装本升级档 包含以下DLC: Stellaris: Anniversary Portraits
Stellaris: Utopia
Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
Stellaris: Plantoids Species Pack
Stellaris: Original Game Soundtrack
Stellaris: Infinite Frontiers (eBook)
Stellaris: Nova Edition Upgrade Pack
Stellaris: Galaxy Edition Upgrade Pack 周年肖像DLC介绍: 为了庆祝“群星”的周年纪念,Paradox正在给所有的群星玩家提供“空虚的生物”(肖像包)和一个新的“周年纪念物种肖像包”,感谢你在过去的一年里的支持。
幼虫 更新说明: 机翻: 大家好, 1.6.1修复程序在周末已经成为选择加入测试版。结果加上我们的内部测试表明,它没有引入任何新的关键问题,并确认它在1.6.0中修复了几个坏的东西,所以我们现在为所有玩家现在推送它: *固定的AI从未宣战
* Hive Minds现在可以正确使用全面的轰炸姿态
*减少AI以浪费的方式替代建筑物,忽视瓦片资源 为了以最小的延迟获得手中的重要错误修复,必须补丁必须很小。但请放心,只要我在这里,我们将继续攻击漏洞数,并在测试和安全时将更新推送给您。 原文: Hi all, The 1.6.1 hotfix has been out as an opt-in beta over the weekend. The results of that plus our internal testing showed that it didn't introduce any new critical issues, and confirmed that it fixed several broken things in 1.6.0, so we're pushing it live for all players now: * Fixed AI never declaring war
* Fixed egalitarian faction unhappiness wrongly being generated by having robot "slave" Pops (Issue with xenophiles is known, we will address it)
* Fixed issue with AI empires switching ethics far too frequently
* Fixed a bug allowing you to terraform planets you don't own in contested space
* Fixed wrongly stacking "was enslaved" happiness modifiers
* Fixed graphical error with Ringworld skies
* Fixed issue with War in Heaven where total occupation would not equal 100% warscore, leading to neverending war
* Added back a couple of old diplomacy rooms and fixed black background on older ones
* Fixed not being able to construct spaceports around Ringworld sections
* Fixed wrong tooltip text on Armageddon bombardment stance
* Hive Minds can now properly use Full bombardment stance
* Fixed egalitarian faction issues appearing before you have any contact with alien empires and thus no ability to fulfill them
* Devouring Swarms now properly get -1000 opinion penalty due to being, well, Devouring Swarms
* Fixed a rare crash when planetary Pops are destroyed
* Fixed crash when rebels take over a planet and defect to another empire
* Fixed missing isolationist faction issue name
* Fixed numerous missing loc strings in languages other than English and Russian
* Can now properly rename civilian ships again
* Fixed missing animation for Armageddon bombardment
* Fixed event that was endlessly firing in the background
* Fixed an issue where Xenophobe fallen empire opinion penalty for frontier outposts was calculated strangely, leading to incorrect war declarations
* Fixed primitive enlightenment failing in the early game
* Reduced AI nonsensically replacing buildings in a wasteful way, disregarding tile resources In order to get critical bug fixes in your hands with minimal delay, necessarily the patch had to be small. But rest assured, we will continue to attack the bug count as long as I'm here, and push updates to you when they're tested and safe. by thegfw