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[MOD] 【饥荒游戏DLC巨人王朝】召唤跟班mod,Summons [复制链接]

发表于 2014-9-14 05:21:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 fanbu 于 2014-9-15 16:39 编辑



Summons v24 召唤者v24


General tips一般提示

    Ctrl+LeftClick on a summon to attack it (it will fight back) ;Ctrl+鼠标左击,强制攻击召唤物
    Summons will not attack bees that belong to beeboxes;召唤物不攻击属于蜂箱的蜜蜂。
    Summons will re-bond with the player if the player dies, is resurrected and then goes near the summon,玩家死后召唤物可重新绑定到游戏角色主人,复活后去召唤物身边。

Follower Sit Command (built in collaboration with @WrathOf)跟随者停留命令
This sub-mod allows you to right-click any summons (not Knights) you have called forth and they will stop following you around. They will stay at or near the location where you told them to stay. You can later on right-click on them again to make them follow you again.就是右击,一次停留,再度右击,跟随。

Arouse Chaotic (Buildable) Wormhole;虫洞

After building a Prestihatitator, you can arouse a Chaotic Wormholes for 1 Red Gem, 2 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Pigskin. Chaotic Wormholes work like normal wormholes, but instead of travelling to a pre-determined wormhole, you will travel to a randomly selected Chaotic Wormhole. Therefore you need to build two or more Chaotic Wormholes in different locations to use them. Even if you have 2 or more Chaotic Wormholes, there is always a chance that entering one will take you back to the one you just entered.

The same Sanity loss is incurred as you would suffer from a normal Wormhole.和虫洞一样费精神。

Cultivate Beard长胡子
A Beard can be cultivated through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Prestihatitator tech level to summon. It costs 8 Beard Hair, 4 Spider Gland and 3 Nightmare Fuel.
A Beard:
- attaches to the summoner's chin
- grows like a normal beard
- can be shaved like a normal beard, and will regrow if shaved
- starts out with a stubble if the summoner has no beard
- increases the size of the beard if the summoner already has a beard
- has no effect if the summoner already has the largest beard
- vanishes temporarily through Magicks if worn by Wes as he mimes descriptions
- lives a life of its own and is not placed perfectly on every chin

Conjure Clone魔法克隆

A Clone can be conjured through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Shadow Manipulator tech level to summon. It costs 20 Monster Meat, 1 Purple Gem and 5 Nightmare Fuel.
A Conjured Clone:
- follows the player around, defending it in combat and attacking its targets
- is loyal unto death
- is marked by a red X on minimap
- can equip traded hats, armor and weapons (not projectile weapons) and gain their bonuses
- will drain the sanity of the player if nearby at an alarming rate
- will accept traded food to eat as long as clone is under 100% health, but will not eat food that reduces health
- will complain about being hungry when health is low (< 60%)
- will panic when health is very low (< 10%)
- gains the same amount of health from eating a particular piece of food as the player would
- starts with 100 health
- will lose 10 health every day when night begins (can kill the clone)
- deals 10 damage plus damage from weapons equipped
- will burn if ignited by forest fires or campfires
- cannot be frozen
- will not sleep during nights
- will, if summoned by Wilson, grow a beard (can be shaved, gives less Beard Hair than the genuine stuff)
- will, if summoned by Willlow, be immune to fire damage
- will, if summoned by Wolfgang, have +50% max health and deal 50% extra damage with all weapons
- will, if summoned by WX78, ignore all effects of spoilage on food it eats
- will, if summoned by Wes, never speak
- will, if summoned by Wickerbottom, provide the player with +1 Tech Level while the player is very close
- will, if summoned by Maxwell, not cause any sanity drain when the player is close
- will, if given torches, umbrellas or parasols, use them to cover the player

Invoke Fireling祈法小火

A Fireling can be invoked through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Shadow Manipulator tech level to summon. It costs 3 Red Gems and 5 Logs to create. It drops 1 Red Gem upon death.
A Fireling:
- follows its summoner around
- cannot be attacked in combat, does not attack anyone
- provides heat during winter for its summoner, preventing freezing
- can be used for cooking
- does not cause anything nearby to catch on fire
- requires a constant source of fuel to keep burning
- burns through its fuel at roughly twice the speed if it rains or snows'
- complains when it is very low on fuel
- stops accepting more fuel when it is very well fueled
- will die if/when the fire is extinguished

Recombine Hound重组狗

A Hound can be recombined through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Prestihatitator tech level to summon. It costs 1 Hound's Tooth and 4 Monster Meat to create.
A Recombined Hound:
- follows the player around, defending it in combat and attacking its targets
- will fight to the death with any other summoned hound
- will abandon the player and join forces with any (non-summoned) hound (including red and blue hounds) that comes near
- will rejoin the player if player defeats all nearby (non-summoned) hounds, because the player is totes alpha
- is otherwise loyal unto death, and will not fight back if the player attacks it
- is marked by a red X on minimap
- will attack any other monster that comes near
- will eat one piece of any kind of meat each day that it finds on the ground (if stacked takes 1 piece out of stack)
- gains the same health as a player would from eating that meat
- starts with 150 health
- deals 20 damage with its attacks
- will burn if ignited by campfires or forest-fires (causes panic)
- sleeps during night
-- if sleeping it will still defend the player if player attacked, but not otherwise attack the player's targets

A Recombined Hound will also search out and consume one red or blue gem on the ground. You can also trade one such gem to the Recombined Hound. When the gem is consumed, the Recombined Hound is transformed into either an ice or fire hound depending on the gem. Once transformed it cannot consume more gems. These upgraded hounds have 250 health and deal 40 damage with their attacks. There is a 50% chance that they will drop the consumed gem on their death.

Fire hounds have a 10% chance to ignite any flammable target they attack, for ~5 seconds. Most targets will panic while on fire. Fire hounds cannot burn. When they die, fire hounds explode and create fires around the body.

Ice hounds have a 10% chance to fully freeze any freezable target they attack, for ~8 seconds. A target that is frozen cannot move or act.

Craft Knight合成骑士

A Knight can be crafted through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Prestihatitator tech level to summon. It costs 2 Gears and 2 Gold Nuggets to create.
A Crafted Knight:
- guards the spot it was crafted on until it dies
- will attack any monster that comes near (spiders, hounds, ghosts, deerclops, Abigail, Krampus, treeguards (not any summon))
- will attack any non-monster that the player attacks nearby
- is loyal unto death
- starts with 150 health
- deals 20 damage with its attacks
- will never burn
- does not follow the player through wormholes
- always sleeps during nights to recharge batteries
-- will wake up if physically attacked or day comes
-- will not wake up for any other reason

Sew Merm Plushie缝纫鱼人填充玩具

A Merm Plushie can be sewn through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Prestihatitator tech level to summon. It costs 1 Frog Legs, 3 Silk and 1 Nightmare Fuel.
A Sewn Merm Plushie:
- follows the player around, defending it in combat and attacking its targets
- is loyal unto death
- is marked by a red X on minimap
- can wear hats, gains the hat bonus, and drops the hat on death
- provides a very small sanity bonus when near the player (1/4th of the bonus from being near a following pig)
- will assist the player in chopping wood, but does so much slower than pigs
- will chase after flying birds, scaring them away (or maybe even killing them)
- starts with 40 health
- deals 10 damage with its attacks
- will consume up to 1 nearby insect (bees, butterflies, mosquitos) per day - doing so will not anger the insect's friends
- will regain 10 health each time it consumes an insect
- will burn if ignited by campfires or forest-fires (causes panic)
- sleeps during night
-- if sleeping it will still defend the player if player attacked, but not otherwise attack the player's targets

Resurrect Skeleton (inspired by the Dem Bones! mod by @tehMugwump )复活骷髅。

A Skeleton can be resurrected through the Summons recipes tab. It requires 2 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Papyrus. The player must be nearby a skeleton from a fallen adventurer. The skeleton is transformed into a living thing. This recipe can only be repeated while near another skeleton.
A Resurrected Skeleton:
- follows the player around, defending it in combat and attacking its targets
- is loyal unto death
- is marked by a red X on minimap
- can equip traded hats, armor and weapons (not projectile weapons) and gain their bonuses
- will drain the sanity of the player if nearby at a slow rate
- starts with 150 health
- deals 10 damage plus damage from weapons equipped
- cannot burn from fires
- cannot be frozen
- will, if given torches, umbrellas or parasols, use them to cover the player

Summon Treeguard召唤树木卫士

A treeguard can be summoned through the Summons recipes tab. It requires the Shadow Manipulator tech level to summon. There are two types of Treeguards - pine and lumpy. They are exactly the same except their graphics and their cost. A lumpy treeguard costs 1 Red Gem, 2 Living Logs and 2 Papyrus to create. A pine treeguard costs 1 Blue Gem, 2 Living Logs and 2 Papyrus to create.
A Summoned treeguard:
- follows the player around, defending it in combat and attacking its targets
- is loyal unto death
- is marked by a red X on minimap
- provides the same sanity as being close to a friendly Pigman
- starts with 500 health
- deals 50 damage with its attacks
- will burn if ignited by campfires or forest-fires (causes panic)
- sleeps during night (and dawn for those with Dawnbreak mod)
-- heals 50 health when it enters sleep
-- drops a pinecone when it enters sleep
-- will wake up when day comes
-- will not wake up for any other reason




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