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本帖最后由 satan023 于 2011-10-24 20:34 编辑
英文名称:Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
游戏开发:Infinity Ward、Sledgehammer Games、Raven Software
游戏发行:Activision Blizzard(动视暴雪)
Minimum Requirements to Play Call of Duty MW3
OS Windows Vista/XP/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better
Memory: 2 GB
HDD: 14 Gb of free space on drive
Video Card: Shader 3.0 or betteer along with 256MB NVIDIA Geforce 8600GT/ATI Radeon X1950 Pro or better
Sound Direct: x 9.0c-compatible DirectX9.0c
Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity. Internet Connection required for activation.
《使命召唤:现代战争3》(Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3)是美国动视暴雪旗下“现代战争”系列的第三部作品。游戏由Sledgehammer Games、Infinity Ward、Raven Software联手制作。《现代战争3》是《现代战争2》的续篇,本作将会揭晓“现代战争”系列主角的去向与秘密。全新角色、新科技冷武器、更加浩大的战争场面,《使命召唤:现代战争3》将会带领玩家体验到更加真实的现代战争。
年度FPS《现代战争3》的详细细节,已在动视正式公布。该作将重塑系列的风貌,揭晓系列核心人物的故事剧情。游戏正在由Infinity Ward,Sledgehammer Games和Raven Software共同开发。
MW3的开场与MW2在美国本土与俄军对抗的场面相连。Vladimir Makarov再次回归,Captain John “Soap” MacTavish和Captain John Price已负伤,正与俄方线人Nikolai在逃。
在游戏的第一关中,Frost将在曼哈顿向纽约证券交易所杀出一条血路。他还在侧面遭到了敌人武装战车的袭击。纽约证券交易所已经被碎砖碎石所笼罩。在接近证券交易所大楼的时候我们可以看到附近还有窗口播放着CNN的现场报道,标题为“为纽约而战(Battle for New York)”。
随后镜头切到了汉堡。玩家此时扮演美军坦克手,抵御俄罗斯坦克的进攻。 德国大战之后,又回到巴黎。玩家扮演AC-130的炮手。经过调查原来马卡洛夫正在布拉格。于是玩家又扮演Yuri,与Soap等人准备伏击许智楚。不过为时已晚,马卡洛夫已经逃到了捷克的山区。有线索称俄罗斯总统的女儿正在柏林。于是一行人又赶到柏林保护总统之女。玩家扮演Frost,找到了总统女儿并一路护送她逃离战火纷飞的柏林,但Frost失败了,总统之女中途被人劫走。最终,场景来到了迪拜。Price、Yuri和soap将与Makarov展开最终决战。此役终于打死了Makarov。

MW3 即将发布, 很多玩家备受MW2作弊的痛苦, 导致正版的玩家骤减. 对此IW对应MW2的问题在反作弊的机制上做足了功夫.
MW3将和Valve完全合作, 全面支持Steamworks, 反作弊通过VAC2, CEG和BeachHead的ELITE一起审核和管理.
VAC2: 众所周知Steam上的反作弊检查系统, 想必STEAM平台的玩家非常的熟悉. 不多介绍了
CEG: 说道CEG不得不提DRM(Digital Rights Management) DRM简单的理解下来就是你购买的游戏激活之后游戏并不是你的, 而是属于你所激活的电脑的, 而且可以反激活以便你用其他不同的电脑, 这样问题就来了, 你如果没有反激活, 你的电脑被别人使用了, 别人可以非法的使用你的游戏做一些违反游戏规定的事, 导致你的游戏被封停. 而CEG完全改变了这一个状况, Steamworks CEG的意思就是你在STEAM上激活的游戏是属于你自己的, 是属于你的STEAM ID的, 而不是所激活的电脑的. 你可以通过你的STEAM ID随时随地的进行游戏. 而且一款游戏的CEG只有一次激活机会, 也就是说激活了在你的STEAM ID上这游戏就永远是你的, 除非你自己违反某些游戏的规定, 作弊自重.
CEG 还提供了游戏的自动更新下载验证等等功能.
ELITE: 之前介绍过这是一个类似于社区交友的系统. 同样的这也是一个反作弊的验证系统, MW3发售的所有CD-KEY全部都有独立的标识, 保存在ELITE上, 当CD-KEY激活之后此CD-KEY将被ELITE识别, 从而你可以通过ELITE来连接游戏服务器和查询你的数据, 反之如果使用了非法的CD-KEY这些功能将不能启动, 游戏会停止工作. ELITE还拥有在线的GM来和玩家交流, 提供作弊举报, 录像功能. 帮助GM来审查那些疑似作弊的玩家.
说到这里不少人会问MW3会被破解么? 我的答案是会, 单机破解我认为在1个礼拜内可以, 联机的破解非常复杂, 首先破解需要HACK掉ELITE的CD-KEY存储服务器, 然后模拟ELITE机制. AIW破解MW2是运气好, 首先源码泄漏, 还有就是前IW将IWNET的本来机制和面目留在了源码内, 而这次IWNET2是完全不同的机制, 之前的IWNET的代码全部放弃了, 至于DemonWare这款被AIW研究的很透彻的动视游戏联网管理编译软件已经升级, 而且这次没有使用. 破解需要时间, 而这个时间是漫长的, 总结下来这次对于MW3联机的破解=MW2+BO的难度.
刚刚仔细问了一下, 第三方服务器将不提供RANK文件, 也就是说第三方服务器都是非RANK服务器不能升级.
Previously Confirmed:
-Lobby System
-Matchmaking with a Party
-Matchmaking for Public Games
-Steam Integration (Friends List, Server Browser,Achievements, Join on Friends)
-Steamworks 支持 (好友名单, 服务器搜索, 成就, 加入朋友游戏.)
-Dedicated Servers (Join your favorite or set up your own,without any 3rd party hosting requirements)
-第三方服务器 (加入你喜欢的或者你自己的服务器, 支持任何第三方的服务器设备)
-In-game Server Browser that allows you to filter by ping, map, gametype, hardcore, voice, password, and more.
-游戏内服务器搜索系统支持你设定你想要的PING, 地图, 游戏类型, HC模式, 语音, 密码, 等等等.
-More control over your experience like RCON, Custom Game Saving, NoGFX / Audio Card Requirement on DS.exe, Voice Chat, and SSAO.
-更多的关于RCON, 自定义游戏, NoGFX/声卡设定, 语音聊天, 甚至运用在Crysis2上的屏幕空间环境光遮蔽技术.
-PC players can fully customize their private / dedicated server games.
-Supported matchmaking as well as Dedicated Servers, allowing players to find and filter via an in-game server browser or set-up their own Dedicated Server for complete control, without being restricted by any 3rd party hosting requirements.
-在第三方服务器上同样支持配对系统, 使玩家更加方便的不通过第三方服务器的一些限制来得到加入自己想要的服务器和设定自己想要的服务器过滤.
-Graphic options, including enablingand disabling of new rendering features such as SSAO, you'll also be able to modify DOF, Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Texture Resolution and more.
图像设定, 加入了SSAO 运用在Crysis2上的屏幕空间环境光遮蔽技术, 你还能设定你的DOF, 影子质量, 抗锯齿, 贴图清晰度 等等等.
-Admin your server using RCON. We'll support all things you'd expect, such as Kicking & Banning players, map rotation, private chat to players, reloading the map, and more.
-使用RCON来管理你的服务器, RemoteCONsole, CS玩家应该很熟悉,这是用来管理服务器的一个工具, RCON将支持, 踢人, 封人, 地图转换, 私聊, 地图重载, 等等等.
- In-game Server Browser.
- 内置服务器搜索器
-Anti-cheat and Security methods include: Steam's VAC system, CEG, and our own propriety methods implemented to provide multiple layers of defense.
-反作弊工具将有Steam的VAC, CEG, 还有我们自己的实时在线审查系统, 并且提供GM在线. 多重保护合法玩家的利益.
-Integrated with Steamworks, including the Steam Friends List (in addition to the in-game friends list), Steam Server Browser (in addition to the in-game one), Steam Achievements.
-全面支持Steamworks, 包括Steam的好友列表, Steam的服务器浏览器, Steam的成就.
-Setting Max FPS is not a user controllable option.
-设定最高FPS将不由玩家控制, 全平台保证不低于60FPS!
-'Lean' will NOT be included.
- 将不支持'侧身'.
-Mod Tools will not be shipped at launch.
-模组工具将不在发售日发布, 将在游戏发售之后发布.
Does the PC version of Modern Warfare 3 support the same Private Match options?
PC版本的MW3 支不支持和主机一样的私人游戏模式选项?
Yes! PC players can fully customize their private / dedicated server games through full control over Class Restrictions, Custom Gamemode creation, access to unique private match modes like One in the Chamber,Gun Game, and Infected, as well as save their custom games for future use.
是的! PC玩家将拥有完全的自定义私人服务器和第三方服务器游戏. 包括装备的选项, 自定义游戏模式, 设定独一无二的私人模式, 比如One in the Chamber, Gun Game, 和感染者游戏类型, 并且可以保存这个模式用于以后的修改和再次使用.
Will Modern Warfare 3 have Dedicated Servers?
Yes! Modern Warfare 3 supported matchmaking as well as Dedicated Servers, allowing players to find and filter via an in-game server browser or set-up their own Dedicated Server for complete control, without being restricted by any 3rd party hosting requirements. If looking for a Dedicated Server to join, if you choose not to set up your own, you can filter and favorite by Ping, Map, Gametype, Hardcore Variants, Voice, Password, and many other options.
是的! MW3将支持配对和第三方服务器, 在第三方服务器上同样支持配对系统, 使玩家更加方便的不通过第三方服务器的一些限制来得到加入自己想要的服务器和设定自己想要的服务器过滤. 支持你设定你想要的PING, 地图, 游戏类型, HC模式, 语音, 密码, 等等等.
Will MW3 on PC have unique graphic options available?
Yes! You have a lot of graphic options, including enablingand disabling of new rendering features such as SSAO, you'll also be able to modify DOF, Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Texture Resolution and more.
是的! 你们将拥有很多画面设置选项, 包括了SSAO, Crysis2的屏幕空间环境光遮蔽技术, 还有DOF, 影子质量, 抗锯齿, 贴图清晰度 等等等.
Will Remote Console (RCON) be available to server admins?
Yes! You'll be able to admin your server using RCON. We'll support all things you'd expect, such as Kicking & Banning players, map rotation, private chat to players, reloading the map, and more.
是的! RCON将支持, 踢人, 封人, 地图转换, 私聊, 地图重载, 等等等.
Does Modern Warfare 3 on PC support an in-game Server Browser? Can you also use matchmaking?
PC版的MW3支持内置服务器搜索么? 能不能使用配对?
Yes! In addition to the public matchmaking system for finding Ranked public games, you can use the in-game server browser to find and favorite unranked Dedicated Servers to join, which can be filtered by a number of options mentioned above.
可以! 不但支持RANK的服务器, 同样支持非RANK第三方服务器. 这样可以方便的找到玩家的MOD模式的游戏.
How is Modern Warfare 3 on PC handling anti-cheat?
Security is a major focus for Modern Warfare 3, especially coming out of Modern Warfare 2. We will be utilizing multiple methods of Anti-cheat and Security methods, including Steam's VAC system, CEG, and our own propriety methods implemented to provide multiple layers of defense in keeping online multiplayer fun, fair, and secure for all players without limiting the control they expect on PC.
游戏安全性是MW3的重点, 自从MW2之后我们设计的多层审查制度, 反作弊工具将有Steam的VAC, CEG, 还有我们自己的实时在线审查系统, 并且提供GM在线. 多重保护合法玩家的利益.
Will Modern Warfare 3 on PC support STEAM?
Yes! MW3 is fully integrated with Steamworks, including the Steam Friends List (in addition to the in-game friends list), Steam Server Browser (in addition to the in-game one), Steam Achievements, and the ability to join friends matches.
是的! 全面支持Steamworks, 包括Steam的好友列表, Steam的服务器浏览器, Steam的成就.
Will Spec Ops have matchmaking on PC?
Yes! As well as Spec Ops specific leaderboards and a full progressive ranking system.
是的! 特种模式不但有独立的排行榜一样有完全的等级系统.
What is the Maxplayer count for Modern Warfare 3 on PC?
Currently it is 18 players max (in Ground War) but it may increase post launch.
目前最高支持18人(GW), 可能会提升玩家支持数量!
Will Modern Warfare 3 on PC have LAN support?
What is the overall design philosophy regarding PC? How is IW/SH providing for the unique needs of PC players?
PC版的设计理念是什么? IW和SH是怎样为PC玩家设计出独一无二的需求的?
We value the PC player and have gone to great lengths inproviding a more rich experience for our players. We keep our ear near the ground and try todeliver items most requested. The big feature for MW3 we are supporting is Dedicated Servers, this includes a serverbrowser, voting, RCON, and more. Also we've implemented some PC only rendering features including SSAO. Lastly we are embracing the STEAM platform by integrating fully with Steam including friends list, STEAM achievements.
我们非常的重视PC玩家希望给PC玩家带来更多的游戏体验, 我们听取了PC玩家的心声和需求. 最重要的一点就是支持第三方服务器, 包括了服务器搜索, 投票, RCON 等等, 并且我们给PC玩家提供了独一无二SSAO技术, 并且给玩家带来了完全的STEAM支持.
How is the game being optimized for PC hardware?
We do wide testing across all tiers of PC, in our office wehave an old minspec machine that receives just as much care as our top tier PC. We've also engaged the hardware manufactures for wider compatibility testing for us to ensure an optimized bug free launch.
我们测试的很多级别的PC, 在我们工作室有很老式的PC和高级PC, 而且我们和硬件商通力合作来给游戏的硬件设定不停的Debug来确保游戏的硬件优化.
Can we set our max FPS?
No. Setting Max FPS is not a user controllable option.
不能. 最高FPS玩家不能设定.
Will 'lean' be in the game?
No. We chose to keep lean out of the game to keep the gameplay experience universal across all platforms. This was a gameplay design decision.
没有了, 我们取消的原因是想保证全平台的游戏设计体系一致.
Will there be Modtools for Modern Warfare 3 on PC?
Mod Tools will not be shipped at launch. As always we are continually evaluating features to support post launch and this is one requiring further discussion.
游戏MOD工具不会在发售日发布, 这个问题会在以后得到回答. 我们正在考虑.
What is the MinimumSpecs for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PC?
OS: Windows? XP / Windows Vista? / Windows? 7
Processor: Intel? Core? 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom? X38750 processor or better
Memory: 16 GB free hard drive space / 2GB RAM
Video Card: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA?GeForce? 8600GT / ATI? Radeon? X1950 or better
Sound Card: DirectX? 9.0C or later
附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?注册
总评分: 金钱 + 10
人气 + 8