本帖最后由 peijian 于 2017-10-25 12:37 编辑

使用说明: 1.解压缩
3.开始游戏 升级档安装步骤: 1.安装《无夜之国》原版游戏:http://down.ali213.net/pcgame/nightsofazure.html
2.安装本升级档 更新内容: 机翻: 更新信息 2月13日 - KTG_Dev_Messenger
无夜之国的更新已经发布。 重新启动游戏时,将自动应用更新。 *以下错误已得到解决:
- 无法识别或未操作某些特定控制器设备或控制器设备上的某些按钮无法正常工作的问题再次发生了更改。
- CPU使用率无意中变高的问题已经修复。 原文: Update Information 2月13日 - KTG_Dev_Messenger
An update to Nights of Azure has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart the game. * The following bugs have been addressed:
- The issue where some particular controller devices were not recognized or not operated, or some buttons on a controller device didn't work properly were altered again.
- The issue where CPU usage unintentionally goes high has been fixed. by thegfw
下载地址:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/66883.html |