本帖最后由 紫冰丫 于 2015-11-18 15:22 编辑
专辑英文名:Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
作曲家:Austin Wintory, Tripod, Jesper Kyd
压缩比率:250kbps 游戏简介: 在《刺客信条︰枭雄》当中,玩家将探索《刺客信条》系列作有史以来最大规模、最近代的开放世界城市,战斗过程也变得更加暴力真实,玩家必须击败帮派死对头来逐步取得伦敦的控制权。全新的武器装备包括了手指虎、库克力弯刀、左轮手枪都将能协助玩家有效的达成目的。《刺客信条︰枭雄》也带来创新的导航指引方式与骑乘交通工具,绳枪发射器将让玩家能够快速攀爬高耸的维多利亚式建筑或者当作滑索快速穿梭于各个建筑物之间,当然也可以当作空中暗杀的道具。而马车与火车将带来更多跑酷机会、追踪敌人的方法或者当作逃离追杀的工具。
《刺客信条:枭雄》黄金版说明:包含完整的游戏主体、季票和达尔文与狄更斯的阴谋使命,该季票将包含大量的扩展内容以及独占内容。 专辑曲目: 01. Bloodlines (1:53)
02. London is Waiting (2:45)
03. The Dance Begins (2:02)
04. Peace and I Are Strangers Grown (1:45)
05. Soothing Syrup (3:21)
06. Give Me the Cure (2:01)
07. Danza alla daggers (3:10)
08. The Churning Seas of London (1:58)
09. It's Business, Mr. Frye (2:47)
10. The Late Pearl Attaway (1:35)
11. Everyone Has a Price (1:44)
12. Destruction's Our Delight (1:40)
13. Waltzing on Rooftops and Cobblestones (4:51)
14. Cathedrals of Steel (2:03)
15. You've Stolen Your Last Shilling (1:37)
16. The Tale of Twopenny (1:43)
17. Top Hats and Sword Canes (1:42)
18. Men Have Become Monsters (2:13)
19. The Assassin Two-Step (1:45)
20. Too Dreadful a Practice for This Open Air (1:39)
21. Take Your Bow, Knave (3:40)
22. Feasting on a Lord (1:47)
23. A Ballet of Blades (2:22)
24. Great Mind Against Themselves Conspire (1:22)
25. A Gauntlet Scherzo (3:16)
26. London Will Soon Be Rid of Your Chaos (2:11)
27. Darling, What a Night (2:53)
28. Jokes Jokes Jokes (1:16)
29. Hooded Allegro Voice (2:57)
30. For Those We Loved (2:03)
31. Death is Now a Welcome Guest (2:02)
32. Bloody Presto con Brio (3:25)
33. So Much for a House Call (1:41)
34. I Would Have Created a Paradise (5:17)
35. Underground (3:16)
36. Family (1:55)
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