使用说明: 1、解压缩
4、运行游戏 更新说明: 机翻: 补丁1.0.15 修复在这个补丁: - 在过场动画没有游戏声音播放了。 - 控制器现在rebindable上的控件设置画面,这应该
你会发现它。 (在Mac上,还有目前正在与重新绑定了几个错误
解决了大家其它问题,启动周末) - 现在的设置(默认情况下依然不设上限),可用的帧速率上限
谁想要在低规格/过热机器高效率地运行游戏。 - 成就错误修正。我们相信,在大多数情况下,这将追溯
重做必要的解锁步骤。道歉。 - 一个蒙板图标现在显示,只要本场比赛是保存数据 - LT和RT上的菜单已经被换出正确的LB和RB提示。 补丁1.0.10d - 那些具有高帧率应该不再看到怪异的行为与
警卫和古怪..他们现在实际上留着迷,因为他们应该的。 - 修正了奇怪的VO棘轮的问题......我们的想法。它仍然会回来
具体线路) 补丁1.0.2 - 1.0.8d - 固定的问题与负面次被上传到排行榜
- 有机会的时候了水平将上载了一个新的水平固定的问题
- 队伍现在显示核心,水平领先时代
- 加宽排行榜显示,以适应更长的用户名。
- 改变了暂停经由覆盖触发(应该可以解决相机漂泊的bug)
- 修正了游戏复位,如果你赢序列中被枪杀的水平
- 从,如果你被枪杀_before_进入出口瓷砖触发阻止了双赢的序列
- 慢谟正在拍摄过程中激活一个检查站,不再设置检查点
- 修正了业绩未触发
- 此前获得的成绩应该在加载这个补丁触发 补丁1.0.0 - V1.0.2 - 在设置菜单中改进的摇杆盲区 原文: Patch 1.0.15 Fixes in this patch: - no gameplay sound plays during cutscenes anymore. - controllers are now rebindable on the controls setting screen, which should
help those with non standard controllers (or standard controllers through
different drivers to ours). This stuff is new, so please report any weird bugs
you find in it. (on the mac, there's currently a couple of bugs with the rebind
screen, please bear with us, fix coming tomorrow, but we wanted to get all these
other problems solved for everyone, to start the weekend) - frame rate cap now available in settings (default is still uncapped), for
those who want to run the game efficiently on lower spec / overheating machines. - achievement bugs fixed. We believe in most cases, this will retroactively
award missing achievements, although it is possible that some players will need
to redo the necessary unlock steps. Apologies. - a mask icon now shows whenever the game is saving data - LT and RT on menus have been swapped out for the correct LB and RB prompts. Patch 1.0.10d - Those with high framerates should no longer be seeing weird behaviour with
guards and oddities.. they will now actually stay entranced as they should be. - Fixed the weird VO ratchetting issue.. we think. It will still come back to
the start of each line if interrupted (as designed).. but weird phantom echoes
of the same end line over and over should be gone. This is not a 100% repro
though, so please let us know if we let one through (preferably with info on the
specific line) Patch 1.0.2 - 1.0.8d - Fixed issue with negative times being uploaded to the leaderboard
- Fixed issue with a chance that the time for a level would be uploaded for the next level
- Ranks now show for core-levels leaderboard times
- Widened leaderboard display to accomodate longer usernames.
- Changed how pause is triggered via the overlay (should fix the camera bobbing bug)
- Fixed issue with the game resetting, if you were shot during the win-sequence on a level
- Prevented the win-sequence from triggering if you were shot _before_ entering the exit tile
- Activating a checkpoint during slow-mo of being shot, no longer sets that checkpoint
- Fixed achievements not being triggered
- Previously awarded achievements should trigger upon loading this patch Patch 1.0.0 - v1.0.2 - Improved thumbstick deadzones in settings menu by RELOADED