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翻译:Beside @ D3.CN
From the writings of Abd al-Hazir Entry no. 0010
The fallen ones are a unique breed of true demonic origin, one of the few that I've been able to conclusively verify through sources other than the ancient Vizjerei tomes in my possession. (How I came by said tomes will, of necessity, remain my secret.)
As my readers are well aware, early Vizjerei writings are often little more than self-serving propaganda aimed at whitewashing heinous deeds committed by the mage clan. For instance, we now know that the goatmen were unwitting human victims of an ancient Vizjerei power struggle (see entry 009 for more detailed information on the khazra's tragic history), whereas the ancient Vizjerei texts would have us believe that they were actually demons - lieutenants of Baal, no less!
Through diligent cross-referencing with other manuscripts in my vast library, however, I have ascertained that the Vizjerei depiction of the creatures known as the fallen ones is factually correct.
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To quote volume 5 of the Demonicus de Zoltun Kulle:
Demonicus de Zoltun Kulle 第五章引用:
FALLEN ONES (Nanus Improbus)
As hard as it is to believe, the fallen ones were once exalted demons of the Burning Hells. They served as Azmodan's hands, performing acts that he would not, could not involve himself in. They were the instrument of Azmodan's first failed attempt to usurp power from Diablo and his brothers, and after that failure, the fallen were subjected to the full wrath of Diablo. They were twisted into small, ridiculous imps, in contrast to their previously powerful forms. Moreover, if they expected Azmodan to reverse their condition, they were sadly mistaken. The infuriated Azmodan held them responsible for the Prime Evils' continued reign, and so he left the fallen in their new bodies, where their degradation would serve to amuse him for all eternity. Their failure provided him with the information he required to succeed in dethroning Diablo and his brothers - the event now known as the "Dark Exile" - but that fact did nothing to soften his heart toward the fallen.
难以置信的是,堕落者曾经是燃烧地狱的高贵恶魔。他们为罪恶之王阿兹莫丹效忠,为他做他所不能将自己置身其中的事情。在阿兹莫丹第一次欲夺取暗黑破坏神及其兄弟的力量的失败行径之中,堕落者是他的傀儡。在那次失败之后,堕落者服从于暗黑破坏神的完全愤怒。相比他们之前的强大的形态,堕落者被扭曲成了小巧可笑的小恶魔(Imp)。此外,要是他们想让阿兹莫丹扭转他们的处境,那就大错特错了。愤怒的阿兹莫丹认为他们应该为主要邪恶力量的继续当政(译者注:指暗黑破坏神的势力)负责,因此,他离开了新形态的堕落者,因为这种降级了的怪物只能供他终身消遣。他们的失败为阿兹莫丹废黜暗黑破坏神及其兄弟提供了有用的信息——也就是我们所知的“黑暗放逐”(Dark Exile)事件——但是这件事并没有让阿兹莫丹对堕落者心软。
When unleashed upon our realm by their master, Azmodan, these impish terrors display a tendency to swarm like flesh-hungry locusts, and they have been known to tear apart a sleeping village in minutes. Small of stature and simian in appearance, these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility. Other than feasting on human flesh, the only act that gives these unspeakable horrors pleasure is breeding; hence the tendency to encounter them in large packs.
However, due to their small size, cowardice appears to be one of the chief features of this species. They quickly retreat when one of their brethren falls in battle.
Fallen ones display no obvious tendency towards greater organization beyond their predisposition to swarm. This is fortunate for humanity, for they are so numerous that if they were to band together in large numbers, they might easily overwhelm a small city.
Through further research, I have identified five distinct types of fallen:
1. IMPS - These are the commonest of the fallen family of demons. They are the stereotypical fallen ones in look and behavior: small, red, swarming, bloodthirsty, and cowardly.

2. SHAMAN - Fallen shaman priests lead camps of fallen. I have also heard it rumored that they possess the ability to raise imps from the dead!

3. LUNATIC - These enraged, oversized fallen creatures are bloated seemingly to the point of bursting, an impression buttressed by the fact that these insane demons rush their intended victims and then stab themselves until they explode. A more fitting name could not be found for these maniacal beings.

4. OVERSEER - The fallen overseer drives his smaller impish charges into a frenzy with his ape-like leaping and growling. An overseer among a group of fallen is a dangerous thing, as the cowardice that usually characterizes them is overwhelmed by fear of their much larger brethren.

5. HOUNDS - These slobbering abominations are commonly found among groups of the fallen and are utilized as guard animals, beasts of burden, or even food by their demonic masters. These beasts are loyal to a fault, regardless of the abuse heaped upon them.

I suspect the existence of at least two other types of fallen, but I will need to conduct further research before I reveal my theories as to the ultimate familial structure of these fiends.
[ 本帖最后由 beidou_7 于 2009-5-23 18:06 编辑 ] |
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