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[讨论] 星际公民希安族太空摩托NOX官方问答 [复制链接]

发表于 2017-7-27 13:36:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



Q1: Which ships will be capable of transporting a Nox?

A1: The most common question we get, and in this case our most upvoted, too! While we haven’t finished testing the Nox’s storage capability in every in-game ship, it can be used comfortably in a Freelancer, Cutlass (new) and Constellation. For smaller ships with cargo space like the Reliant & Avenger, it can physically fit but it cannot be secured. It’s not likely that will go well in practice, but we expect you to try it all the same and let us know when the Nox is added to the game.

Q1: 哪些飞船可以装载诺克斯?

A1: 这是我们投票中的最常见问题。我们还没有在每个飞船上测试装载诺克斯的能力,但目前来说,自由(Freelancer),新弯刀(Cutlass)和星座(Constellation)可以轻松装下。 对于信赖(Reliant)和复仇(Avenger)等货物空间较小的飞船,理论上能装进去,但无法保证。 我们希望您在诺克斯可飞的时候尝试一下。

Q2: When in atmosphere, is the Nox a ground-only vehicle, or can it also fly at higher altitudes, across canyons, through clouds, etc.

A2: While the Nox will always has access to its multitude of thrusters, fighting gravity can be strenuous and ultimately unsustainable. Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can be used in space and on the ground, but it cannot make the transition on its own. For the purposes of operating down surface-side, it’s best to think of the Nox as a ground vehicle in this regard.

Q2: 在大气层里,诺克斯是否一个地面载具?还是说,它能飞更高的高度,穿越山谷、在云中飞翔等等?

A2: 虽然诺克斯拥有众多的推进引擎,但是,与重力抗争是一个不可持续的艰巨的任务。 像之前的蜻蜓一样,诺克斯可以在太空和地面上使用,但不能自己脱离大气层。 在操作层面,最好把诺克斯看作是地面载具。

Q3: When water/oceans are added to the game, will the Nox be able to speed across the water at a high enough speed?

A3: Yes. We thought about making a longer answer to this, but decided not to. Don’t you hate it when you get long-winded answers that can ultimately be summed up in just a single word? Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. I don’t remember who said it, though.

Q3: 当海洋加到游戏里面的时候,诺克斯可以高速穿越水域吗?

A3: 是的。我们曾经想更详细回答这个问题,后来决定不多说。正如他们说的那样,简洁就是智慧的灵魂,虽然 我不记得谁说的。

Q4: What is the max type of wearable armor can I wear while flying the Nox?

A4: This is a topic that affects all ships in Star Citizen. Currently, we are still evaluating what armors you’ll be allowed to wear when piloting any ship or vehicle in the game.

Q4: 驾驶诺克斯的时候,最大可以穿戴哪种类型的护甲?

A4: 这是一个所有飞船都有关的问题。目前,我们还在评估。

Q5: How fast can the Nox fly in space?

A5: At present, the Nox has a top SCM of 220 and with afterburner can reach speeds of 550 in space. On the ground, that ratio is 40/100. 100 meters per second, 1 meter off the ground is pretty impressive.

Q5: 诺克斯在太空能飞多快?

A5: 目前来说,太空中,诺克斯的标准速度(SCM)是220,加燃器速度是550。地面上,速度是40100100米每秒,离地一米,这令人印象深刻。

Q6: Does the Nox handle rough terrain any different or worse than the Dragonfly?

A6: Even though vehicles like the Nox (and the Dragonfly before it) hover over terrain, it will still have effects on its handling. In this regard, the Nox might not handle very coarse terrain as well as the more utility-built Dragonfly.

Q6: 跟蜻蜓对比,诺克斯对地形的适应力有没有什么区别?

A6: 虽然诺克斯和蜻蜓都是悬浮类载具,但是具体的操纵感还是会有区别。诺克斯对粗糙地形的适应力可能没有像蜻蜓那样专业的工具类载具好。

Q7: Does the Nox have a storage compartment for small items?

A7: It does not. The limited cargo capacity of the Dragonfly comes at the sacrifice of its rear passenger seat. The Nox is purpose built to get you where you’re going, with greater speed, and even greater style.

Q7: 诺克斯有没有放小物品的储物空间?

A7: 并没有。蜻蜓上少量的储物空间是以后座位置为代价的。诺克斯的设计目标是带你装B带你飞 (译者注:非原文,但是大概就是这意思)

Q8: Will we ever be able to paint our own ships? If so, what makes the Nox Kue limited?

A8: We do not have specifics to detail on the paint system at this time. In the case of limited edition ships like the Nox Kue (or the Dragonfly Yellowjacket) we don’t think the idea of decorating your own ship is incongruous with having manufacturer-offered editions. This is patterned after real life automotive manufacturers who typically offer a predetermined set of finishes (including limited editions.) Any car you buy today can, with varying degrees of expense and effort, be repainted to match any color of the rainbow… but collectors ascribe significant value only to the original finishes (which are also often more difficult to replicate exactly on the secondary market.) We are also exploring the idea of unique badges and identifiers for the limited edition variants. In short, while you may be able to paint a standard Nox silver in the future, it won’t ever be a “Nox Kue.”

Q8: 涂装系统会在将来加入吗,如果是,那为什么会有诺克斯特别版(银灰色)?

A8: 我们现在完全还没有涂装系统的细节。我们认为像银灰特别版诺克斯或者黄色特别版蜻蜓这样的出厂特别版并不会与涂装系统冲突,此设定类似于现实中的汽车生产商总会生产同一型号载具的好几种预备版本,这并不会阻止你去重新涂装你刚买的新车。我们也在考虑加入更多的限量版特色,比如添加唯一的贴纸和序列号。

Q9: Can I store a rifle or any larger weapons on/in as it seems you can’t ride it with anything other than a pistol?

A9: Unfortunately no. Like a cave in the swamps of Dagobah, you have only what you take with you.

Q9: 我可以放稍大的武器在诺克斯上吗,看宣传图似乎只能在骑行的同时用手枪。

A9: 很可惜,不行。就像沼泽地的洞穴一样,你只有身上的那些东西。

Q10: Does it lean when it turns?

A10: Currently in testing, it will lean with you when you strafe, and when you are done with the yaw portion of the turn, you will continue to lean until you stop skidding. It’s pretty cool.

Q10: 诺克斯转弯的时候,车身会倾斜吗(参考现实摩托车)。

A10: 会的,现在正在测试阶段。当你平移的时候,它会倾斜。当你停止转向,它会继续倾斜,直到你不再漂移。酷毙了!

Q11: Will the Nox be faster than the Dragonfly?

A11: Under ideal conditions, the Nox with its Competition-class components will give you a distinct advantage in races. That said, the Dragonfly may take the advantage over more difficult terrain. Choose your routes wisely.

Q11: 诺克斯会比蜻蜓快吗?

A11: 在理想状态下,诺克斯会比蜻蜓快一些。然而蜻蜓在粗糙地形上更有优势,所以各有利弊。

Q12: Will the Nox have upgradable components like shields and power plants?

A12: Vehicle-scale components are a relatively new addition to our ship item system. The Nox comes with Competition Grade C components. In the future, we intend you to be able to customize the components with higher grade Competition options. What other styles of components will be compatible with the Nox remains to be seen.

Q12: 诺克斯可以升级护盾和发电机等组件吗?

A12: 目前来说,相比飞船系统来说,车辆大小的组件相对较新。诺克斯标配竞速类C级组件。未来,我们希望能用更高级的竞速组件定制。至于其他类型的组件,我们还在评估中。

Q13: How is the Nox “powerful in combat” as stated in ATV?

A13: When Chris Smith mentioned the Nox being “powerful in combat” on ATV, he was referring to its direct comparison with the other vehicle in its class, the Drake Dragonfly. While similarly armed, the Nox would seem to have the advantage in speed that allows you to chase down your targets efficiently, tremendous agility with its 16 maneuvering thrusters, and the added armor that protects its passenger more adequately from incoming fire.

Q13: ATV里面说到的,诺克斯战斗能力如何?

A13: 当克里斯-斯密斯在ATV里面提到诺克斯战斗能力强时,他是指它与其他相同级别的载具(德雷克生产的蜻蜓)相比。在相同装备情况下,诺克斯由于有16个机动引擎,有速度上的优势,便于有效追击目标。而且,额外的装甲可以更好的防护驾驶员。

Q14: Will the Nox have stealth capability, or have access to stealth capability in some way?

A14: Stealth in Star Citizen is mostly about managing the emissions you make. In this regard, you will still have the same flexibility to manage your power consumption and overall signature as you will on any other ship. Additionally, you may find added benefit if you choose to replace your competition components with stealth items, but to do so would come at the cost of overall speed and performance.

Q14: 诺克斯有隐形能力吗? 或者通过某些方式隐形?

A14: 星际公民中的隐形,比较接近于控制信号辐射。在这个方面上说,你可以获得相同的灵活性,用于管理电力消耗和总体信号辐射。 此外,以速度和性能作为代价,你可以把竞速组件更换成隐形组件。

Q15: Does the Nox have landing gear, for when it’s powered all the way down?

A15: No, the Nox hovers at all times with emergency power. If you’ve drained even that, it will fall and be sad. Take care of your Nox.

Q15: 诺克斯有起落架吗? 特别是关闭电源的时候。

A15: 没有。通过备用能源,诺克斯一直处于悬浮状态。如果你把能源用光了,它会掉下来。小心维护好你的诺克斯。

Q16: What makes the Nox almost as expensive and in some cases more than a spaceship with jump engine and quantum drive?

A16: It’s important to remember that ships are priced using a component matrix rather than some type of ladder that climbs from one to another. This matrix accounts for many factors including individual component types and rarity. The Nox, for instance, has a number of purpose-built racing components where the Aurora uses more common, mass produced equipment as it is intended both in and out of lore to be a vehicle that introduces new pilots to space travel. While it’s true that the Nox does not have a jump engine or a quantum drive of an Aurora, it boasts performance and provides specialization in its intended role that the former cannot match. (For comparison, a purpose-built racing bike can cost significantly more than an entry level car today, despite ‘only’ having two tires.)

Q16: 为什么诺克斯如此昂贵,有时比配有跳跃引擎和量子驱动等装置的飞船还贵?

A16: 大家要知道,飞船标价是根据使用的配件模型而非阶梯式价格。该模型源于许多因素,包含各个零件的种类和稀有度。例如诺克斯有大量特制的竞速用零件,而 极光使用许多普通生产的装置,目的是由内而外都让新飞行员遨游太空。当然诺克斯确实没有极光跳跃引擎和量子驱动装置, 在性能、专业性等方面前者是比不上的。(例如,如今专用竞速自行车基本上都比入门级汽车还贵,虽然 “只有” 两个轮胎。)

Q17: Is this mainly a racer, or does it have other purposes i.e. ground combat?

A17: While primarily designed for speed, with its high maneuverability and S1 ship weapons, the Nox has a devastating potential in flanking slower and squishier infantry. Just don’t crash into things. Another major ‘game purpose’ of the Nox (and Dragonfly) that shouldn’t be understated is for traveling around our procedurally generated worlds. In a word, they’re BIG… so you’ll want a fast vehicle to traverse their surfaces and explore their mysteries.

Q17: 它主要是作为竞速车用吗,还是有其他特殊用途,例如地面战斗?

A17: 最初是为速度设计,有高操作性和S1武器,诺克斯在侧翼进攻和扫射步兵有毁灭性的潜能。不要撞上东西就好。诺克斯另外主要玩法(包括蜻蜓)不应程序化的理解为在地表飞行。总之,他们作用很广泛……这是你想要的高速载具,用于穿越地域表面并探索神秘地点。

Q18: Can I gimbal the guns if I choose? or am I stuck with fixed?

A18: Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can only use S1 fixed weaponry.

Q18: 可以安装可动武器吗? 还是说只能用固定炮?

A18: 像蜻蜓一样, 诺克斯只能使用S1固定武器。

Q19: What distance can it travel on maximum speed?

A19: Standard SCM flight on ships doesn’t burn fuel in the sense we know today. With the technological advancements of 930 years, ships equipped with the proper intakes like the NOX can create and replenish the fuel necessary for everyday operation. In this way, you can travel at maximum SCM speed for extended periods of time. For afterburner speed, you will still have a limited amount of fuel as with any other ship.

Q19: 最高速度下能飞多远?

A19: 就我们所知来看船舰标准SCM飞行不会消耗燃料。随着930年的技术进步,飞船配有像诺克斯一样的通风口,可以生产并补充每日运行的燃料。这样,你可以用最大标准速度(SCM)来延长飞行时间。对于加燃速度(AFB),与其他飞船一样,你仍然有燃料限制。

Q20: If the Nox loses power, would we be trapped in our seat by the articulating back plate?

A20: Presently, the back will articulate anyway, although it’s an interesting idea that might warrant a unique animation for such an event in the future.

Q20: 如果诺克斯消耗完能量,背后的挡风板会把我们困在座位吗?

A20: 目前,不论如何挡风板都会伸缩。不过这是个好想法,未来可能会有个独特的动画效果。



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