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[MOD] [群星 EVE宇宙即将入侵MOD V0.3][Stellaris][636KB][2016] [复制链接]

发表于 2016-6-6 22:07:45 |显示全部楼层
First if your traders are suddenly becoming hostile with the update out, open up console "~" and then type 'event civtrade.13' , this will destroy all of the trader countries in the game and reset the trigger event.

If you are running ironman go and download[url=https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://this%3Ehttp://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=694640490]this>http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=694640490[/url]

Updates to the Mod:
Changes to policies -

Took out subsidized trade and moved it to an edict.
Added in Trade Focus. Set which of the three base bonuses your traders provide. Mineral, Energy credit, Food. This still can't be changed for 10 years like any policy I am looking for a way to shorten it without shortening the other policies.

Changes edicts -

Country edicts:
Trade Subsidizes - greatly increases the rate at which traders are created. They spawn at a rate of about 1 a year with this policy. *open for rebalancing

Planet edicts:
Trade hub now give the planet a special modifier that can stack unlike the base modifier. This modifier gives an increase to all resources (mineral, energy, food)

Traders now fly solo. The problem with hostile fleets was fixed by making them civilian ships and civ ships can't be in fleets.

*Fixed bug where traders would go to mining stations or other things that weren't colonies.
*Added in some localization support for Spanish, German, and French thanks to some helpful people. Somethings aren't fully translated but most are.
If you want to help go to the Localization discussion.

Your citizens have finally gotten off their asses and started to pull themselves up with their own bootstraps and setup their own trade routes.

The philosophy behind this mod is to make the galaxy feel a little more alive and active with ships moving between systems by themselves doing their own thing. Using the amazing Aurora as an inspiration for how civilian trade should work you will find that it is a decided hands off affair. Traders will spawn every so often and route their own paths and start hopping from colony to colony.

At the moment the mod has the most basic components I wanted to get it.
Current Features
> Civilian Trade ships spawning by themselves and flying from colony to colony.
> On arrival they provide a bonus for a short while to any colony they visit
> A planetary edict to designate a planet as a “Trade Hub” allowing more bonuses and more frequent visits.
> A policy that determines how often/if at all trade ships spawn. (This can also be used if you feel you want more or if it's starting to get a little crowded.

Right now the only interacting you will be able to do is designate a trade hub and set your country's policy on civilian trade and resource focus.

Unrestricted Trade: Default Policy, a single fleet will spawn some time after a colony is established and then on a varied 10 year cycle with an 80% chance to spawn, to fill in gaps in ships lost/planets gained not through colonies.
Restricted Trade: No fleets will spawn. This can be set before you establish your first colony if you never want the initial event to trigger. Fleets will also slowly be decomissioned over time.

Trade Focus policy: designate which of the three main resources your traders will focus on.

Trade Subsidizes edict: Significantly increase the rate at which traders spawn, putting it to an average of 1 a year at cost of decreased energy credits and ethic shift.

AI also gain traders that you may attack and disrupt as you wish. They currently will not care but that is something I hope to fix sometime soon. At the moment only fanatic and regular collectivists have their policy set to Restricted by default. I didn’t want individualists or materialists to have subsidized right out the gate and flood the galaxy with their trader fleets.

Features to add soon^™
> Trader fleets go hostile to enemies during war leaving them open to be attacked
> Events dealing with the goings on of your traders that can lead to more bonuses, positive or negative.
> Technologies to customize your traders, adding happiness, taking away the ethics drift modifier, ext.
> Trade ships flying to the colonies of empires you have civilian access with.
> Trade with your civilian traders for minerals, credits, resources

I would love any suggestions you might have. Especially on ways to customize traders for the different ethoses and traits an empire might have.

As far as I can tell this is ironman and achievement compatible as the checksum does not appear to change. I am no 100% at the moment though on achievements.

This should be fine for save games.


I see no reason for any conflicts right now, nothing is changed from the base game, everything is added.

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